Thursday 30 June 2011

Honoring the Elderly

As Forrest Gump sits at a bus stop, he begins telling his life story to strangers nearby. On his first day of school, Forrest meets a girl named Jenny Curran, who he immediately falls in love with and whose life is followed parallel to his. Despite his below average intelligence quotient (IQ), his ability to run very fast gets him into the University of Alabama on a football scholarship. He ultimately becomes an All American and meets President John F. Kennedy. While attending college he witnesses George Wallace's attempt to prevent integration at the school…..stop…wait…this is not about the movie Forrest Gump. The photo shows an elderly man sitting alone in a wooden bench tells a story about our senior citizens.  

Old age consists of ages nearing or surpassing the average life span of human beings, and thus the end of the human life cycle. Euphemisms and terms for old people include seniors (American usage), senior citizens (British and American usage) and the elderly. As occurs with almost any definable group of humanity, some people will hold a prejudice against others — in this case, against old people. This is one form of ageism.
Old people have limited regenerative abilities and are more prone to disease, syndromes, and sickness than other adult. For the biology of ageing, see senescence. The medical study of the aging process is gerontology, and the study of diseases that afflict the elderly is geriatrics.Now that you learned some technical terminologies about our elderly, it's time to be human.

Senior citizens are important part of every family. They are responsible for the wisdom and legacy that every family has gained through the years. They stand as the rock on which a solid foundation is formed – the family.

These vulnerable members of our society represent a remarkable wisdom that has been tested through long years of accumulated experiences in life. They provide a tested guide to help younger generations overcome life’s obstacles. They can give real-life pieces of advice to the young and assist them in designing their own destinies in life.

Most people will become grandparents sooner or later. Someday, it will be their turn to pass on the legacy to the generations after them. It will be more than fulfilling to see future generations after them. It will be more than fulfilling to see future generations harden the foundation that they themselves helped to build.

Let us express our genuine thanks and appreciation to our Lolo and Lola (Filipino terminologies for gran’ dad and granny, respectively) and for what they have taught us. Let us manifest our lasting concern and love for them and create an environment where they are specially taken care of and where they truly belong.

Forrest Gump has several messages, some of which are less obvious than others. The most frequently recurring theme is an admonition not to give up on life. Why surrender when you don't know what lies ahead? By contrasting Forrest's life with the lives of those around him, and by showing how the passage of time brings solace to even the most embittered hearts, the movie and this photo underline this point.


Alone and Cold But Not Lonely

Inspired by Ben, this photo of a bench covered by snow tells a story of being alone.
Dubbed as “Alone and Cold but not Lonely” suggests that a person can have a positive life out of solitude.

There is a great difference between being lonely and being alone. Many people are alone and lead happy lives. It may behoove us to study some of their traits, because many of us are likely to be alone at some point in our lives. Points to consider: (1) Our culture has a high divorce rate (2)Statistics show that wives outlive husbands (3)Our society advocates self-sufficiency and independence.
Contrary to many beliefs, the elderly are not the most lonely among us. It is young people who are most lonely, and herein may lie some of the differences between being lonely and being alone.

Many elderly people have developed traits or habits that help them be comfortable with themselves alone. They have found ways to keep busy mentally. Many rely on good memories of a deceased spouse for comfort while relishing the peace and quiet of a household void of too much activity. They have reached the point where their status quo is calmness.

The young, however, are subject to a wide range of moods. They may be up one morning and down that evening or up and down several times in a given day. They are often bored and restless to the point of being unhappy for no clear reason. When they are not sought after and included in all activities of their peers, their self-esteem takes a hit.

When they are lonely, they blame themselves and resort to activities that exclude social contact or productivity, such as watching too much television.

Being alone can have its advantages. The creative person craves time alone. Any professional who takes a sabbatical and spends some time alone returns refreshed mentally and spiritually.

To reap the rewards of solitude, a person who feels lonely can tune out thoughts of self and seek out activities. They can:  write letters, read, paint, sew, care for a pet, enroll in a correspondence course.

A person who is feeling lonely should avoid situations such as: drinking alcohol alone, using other escapes such as non-prescribed medications, watching so much television that it becomes a substitute for socializing.

It may sometimes be good to be alone, but it is rarely good to be lonely.

Martin, B. (2006). Being Alone Without Being Lonely. Psych Central. Retrieved from

Branching Out

Developing new skills is a personal as well as professional strategy. The key to living your fullest potential is developing your skills. You can only live your fullest potential if you always develop your skills so that you can give better and better value over time. Before acquiring and developing the skills that will bring us success, we first have to identify those specific skills. A good way to do that is to create a personal inventory that outlines current strengths and weaknesses. This personal assessment will help in developing an overall plan for building necessary skills.

Fear of failure often holds people back. If we don’t believe we can accomplish something, we may not even try. Nothing will change if we don’t find the courage and self-confidence to move beyond our fear. Keeping a positive attitude is an essential part of self-confidence and very important in finding real happiness and success. Focusing on what we can do, rather than what we can’t do will make it easier to answer the question: What is success? – as it pertains to our personal lives.
Start small. Build confidence slowly by accomplishing a series of small tasks. Recognize these accomplishments as successes and move on from there. That’s why …. g.i.deon photography is born.

Making Moments Alive

g.i.deon Photography is committed in “making your moments alive”, after all capturing the moment is what the art of photography is all about. I strive not to miss a moment in your life. I’m always moving in the direction of the action and emotions which are creating the images of you. Your moment is sacred and in such manner you should be treated. You wont find a photographer that is more dedicated to you or that works as hard to capture your images in a timely manner as I do. Photography is my dream and making it a reality and even turning it into passion.
At g.i.deon Photography, you can read photography articles, browse photography equipment and digital camera reviews, find stock photography, locate a photographer, or participate in the blog to promote your own photography and services.
People take pictures for many reasons, ranging from sentimental motivations to eminently practical concerns. Taking pictures may be an art form, a family hobby or a historical responsibility. Similarly, looking at pictures puts us in touch with the past, keeps us informed of news events and allows us to appreciate artistry.
Taking photos can be as easy as pointing the camera, clicking and hoping something turns out. Many people take pictures in this manner. However, this method may be inconsistent: sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.
Because pointing and shooting a camera is an unreliable method of taking pictures, professional photographers don’t take photos in this way. Instead, a professional photographer, or an experienced amateur, takes the time to study his or her subject. Lighting, the angle of the shot and composition are all evaluated. If you follow the rules of basic photography composition, taking photos that consistently look good isn’t a difficult skill to master.